CIH - Charlotte Investment Homes
CIH stands for Charlotte Investment Homes
Here you will find, what does CIH stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Charlotte Investment Homes? Charlotte Investment Homes can be abbreviated as CIH What does CIH stand for? CIH stands for Charlotte Investment Homes. What does Charlotte Investment Homes mean?The United States based company is located in Charlotte, North Carolina engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of CIH
- Chen Ing Hau
- Changzhi airport
- Coney Island Hospital
- Cardinal Innovations Healthcare
- Coney Island Hospital
- Chartered Institute of Housing
- City International Hospital
- Central Indiana Hardware
View 36 other definitions of CIH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CMH Cochran Memorial Hospital
- CAVB CA Va Bien
- CCL Crown Consultants p Ltd
- CJP Context Jensen Partners
- CCM Conover Capital Management
- CUSW Canadian Union of Skilled Workers
- CIM Centurion Investment Management
- CTCA CT Computers Albania
- CAALF CAA Law Firm
- CGAL Cottage Glen Assisted Living
- CFO Community Foundation of the Ozarks
- CCL The Comms Crowd Ltd
- CJL Citibank Japan Ltd.
- CCL The Calendar Club Limited
- CPL Centralia Press Ltd
- CHPA The Clearing House Payments Authority
- CNS Creative Nature Superfoods
- CC Comune di Cecina
- CIL Creo Interiors LLC